
Youtube in the classroom
Youtube in the classroom

If you have logged onto your Google account at school then any recommended videos, which are based from your browsing history, will appear. Talk about dodging a bullet! Secondly, you cannot guarantee which recommended videos will appear on YouTube’s website when you first open it. I remember googling YouTube and seeing a thumbnail for ‘Top 10 Gay Indian films’ under the latest from sub-heading. This procedure is necessary because you cannot guarantee which videos will appear in your Google search under the sub-heading ‘latest from ’. Before you start searching for YouTube or clicking on your book mark, make sure you either mute or freeze the screen using your remote. I have found these two features to be incredibly useful before displaying YouTube videos. Nearly all projectors will have a ‘Mute A/V (Audio-visual)’ and a ‘Freeze’ button. Your projector’s remote is your best friend. So before you even think of using ICT in the classroom check to see if these two criteria have been met.

Youtube in the classroom code#

If they have not given consent and signed the ICT code of conduct and something happens, then you are in a lot of trouble. In the event of a parental complaint and assuming you had followed all your school’s procedures, these two forms will help you enormously. Students and parents also need to sign a code of conduct form that spells out everything they can and cannot do on the school’s ICT devices. One of the areas they need to give consent for is permission to access the internet. Whenever a student enrols at a school their parents need to sign a consent form. You cannot trust the reliability of a YouTube channel, even one like TED-ed, you can only trust the video if you have JUST watched it beforehand. I did not receive any complaints from parents, so I am assuming they forgave me. I apologised to the classroom and I made sure admin was aware of the accident so they could handle any parental complaints. In these situations don’t try and hide the fact that your students were accidentally exposed to something inappropriate. I’ll leave the reaction of the classroom to your imagination. Well, because I had not recently watched this video, the presenter dropped the word ‘shit’ during his TED talk at the 4 minute and 23 second mark in front of my year five/six classroom. I wanted my students to be more mindful of the images and messages they are exposed to regarding smoking. My rationale for showing this video was simple. I had watched this video a month beforehand, so I assumed that it was ok as I was trusting the reliability of the channel and my recollection from the video.

Youtube in the classroom